Providing employee healthcare to the country’s largest healthcare providers

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Your all-in-one AI medical assistant.
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If you need even more evidence to put us on your short list, consider this: many of the largest hospitals and health systems trust their employee and 3rd party occ health operations to Enterprise Health.

As our largest customer segment, hospitals and health systems — including universities and government agencies — were quick to recognize undeniable benefit when they saw it: a single platform, able to seamlessly manage both employee and third party occ health.

As the most comprehensive employee/occ health platform available today, Enterprise Health delivers:

  • Effective flu program/vaccine administration, including state registry interfaces and NHSN reporting
  • Confident compliance program management
  • Streamlined pre-employment medical clearance
  • Healthcare-specific solutions to address the challenges of infection control, harmful exposure to chemicals and hazardous drugs, injuries including back and sharps, and latex allergies 
  • Field-proven success, used by the largest hospital system…and the largest integrated medical system in the US

The results speak for themselves: millions of dollars saved, hundreds of thousands served, dozens of healthcare clients who not only come to Enterprise Health; they stay here. 

To note: in the last few years alone, we’ve performed 80+ data migrations from our competition…vs. a single migration out of our system. 

Enterprise Health is here to help you build and maintain a culture of health, and the tangible benefits that come with it.


ACOEM recommendations

Checks all the boxes on the ACOEM recommendations for OEHRs.


Data migrations

From our competition in the last five years alone.


Code platform

Built 100% from the ground up by the best there is, not through acquisition.

Unmatched functionality

Enterprise Health is unbelievably complete — bringing together occupational health and compliance, clinical operations and employee engagement functionality on a single, interoperable platform. Our standard solution has deep functional pockets with a robust arsenal of features that equip your organization to meet most, if not all, of your occupational health and compliance plus hospital health and wellness needs. 

And more...

Keep up with the latest insights, trends and information.

Ready to take the next step?

Got questions?

What industries to you serve?

Actually, all of them! Enterprise Health was built with flexibility in mind and can be configured to meet the needs of your specific industry. But, since you asked, we have clients in manufacturing, chemical processing, oil and gas, travel and hospitality, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, hospitals and health systems, universities, government agencies and financial services with more on the way.

Shouldn't I just use an EHS solution?

On the surface that makes sense. But the reality is most EHS vendors focus on the "E" and the "S", and just do enough of the "H" to say they have it. Enterprise Health has been laser focused on occupational and employee health since day one because we believe the "H" is foundational to the success of your organization. Plus our interoperability chops mean we can integrate with whatever EHS provider you use.

Why do I have to "request" a demo?

Two reasons. One, we want to talk to you first and learn a little bit about your company and employee health needs. That way we can tailor the demo specifically to you. We know Enterprise Health isn’t for everyone, and that our very broad, comprehensive solution may not be a good fit for you. Or its cost may be more than your budget allows. We believe it’s best to have those conversations up front before we both invest time and resources. Make sense?

What can AI do for our employee health program?

The same things it's already doing across all areas of healthcare. AI technologies are reducing the time required to complete administrative tasks, which means more time, and focus, on patient interaction and care. Ozwell AI, our all-one medical assistant, simplifies workflow management, speeds encounter documentation, saves time and enhances overall efficiency. Set up a sandbox and see for yourself.

How long has Enterprise Health been in business?

Our parent company, Medical Informatics Engineering (MIE), was founded in 1995 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and developed one of the first certified electronic health records on the market. So we have nearly 30 years of health IT experience under our belt.

Enterprise Health was formed in 2013 to address the needs of some of our first MIE clients who were using our certified EHR, but required additional functionality to address their occupational health programs. We worked shoulder-to-shoulder with companies like Dow, Lilly and Disney to develop the comprehensive solution we hope to show you soon. 

Fort Wayne? Really?

Fort Wayne is a ways from Silicon Valley, but did you know that Northeast Indiana built one of the first health information exchanges (HIE) in the country? And did you further know that MIE, our parent company, helped build that HIE? It was largely a "wire and pliers" operation back then, but all this to say that companies in Fort Wayne have been innovating since the invention of the gas pump in 1885. And that continues today from our Electric Works offices as we develop AI tools to usher in the next generation of occupational and employee health software.

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