Electronic submission: OSHA again, on again
by Jeff Donnell on Aug 17, 2017 12:08:26 PM
After some back and forth on the actual launch date of its electronic injury and illness reporting website, the trigger has been pulled and the OSHA Injury Tracking Application (ITA) launched on August 1st, 2017. This web-based form will allow employers to electronically submit required injury and illness data using one of three options:
- manually enter data into a web form,
- upload a CSV file to process single or multiple establishments at the same time, or
- transmit data electronically via an API.
The actual act of submission is the least of your worries. The real question is can your occupational health record easily pull the necessary data into a comprehensive report? This assumes the data exists in your system (don’t assume it does), and your occ. health IT software has the appropriate reporting capability (don’t assume it’s there).
We've already got you covered
The deadline for submitting 2016 300A remains at December 1, 2017. That hasn’t changed, or at least not yet.
Regardless of the real deadline for electronic submission of worksite injury and illness data, the Enterprise Health solution is already configured to capture the information mandated as part of an employee health clinic encounter. When an individual presents with a worksite injury or illness, our software collects the appropriate data elements — including whether the injury or illness is reportable. As a case is managed within the Enterprise Health solution, the information needed to complete forms and logs is amassed.
Data captured electronically is automatically rendered on OSHA documents (and can be printed on demand, if necessary.) Labor intensive efforts associated with assembling information and filling out forms by hand are all but eliminated.
And when December 1st rolls around, reporting will be a snap as the data is already managed electronically and we’re ready to help our clients submit rapidly and easily.
Electronic submission is just the beginning
- While the electronic submission requirement is new, compliance is old hat to Enterprise Health. Our solution is designed and configured to meet a full range of OSHA and other compliance requirements, including:
- Incident case information
- OSHA 300, 300A and 301
- Sharps log
- Doctor’s first report of injury
- Employer’s first report of injury
- State-specific questions
- Workers’ Comp carrier integration
See a demo of the Enterprise Health’s recordkeeping and reporting capabilities.
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